Friday, April 12, 2013

A View on Same Sex Marriage

In Tyler Hogan's, "Same sex marriage: What's the big deal?", he discusses his point of view on the issue of gay marriage, and why he feels more people should have less of a problem with it. Throughout the editorial, his opinion on the subject is clear and easy to understand, and is backed by a substantial amount of research. He touches on both the religious approach to same sex marriage, as well as the parental implications of raising children in a home with either two moms or two dads. In both aspects, he explores and explains each side of the argument, and adds in his own voice to help convince the reader; even going so far as to encourage his audience to further educate themselves on the subject by providing a video link.
 Considering same sex marriage is such a prominent topic in today's world, I feel he could have expanded a bit more on the political aspect, such as where gay marriage is allowed in the U.S., as well as the rights of the LGBT community, and how people are pushing to expand them. But taking in to account that homosexuality is a particularly broad and highly debated issue, I think this editorial covered the basics well enough, and left me a little more informed than I was before.

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